Sunday, February 13, 2011

My SFX Weekender - Day One

Up early maybe I was getting used to my surroundings but honestly it probably had more to do with the fact the beds were a bit uncomfortable - rather hard even for me.

Bacon sandwiches for breakfast thanks to my awesome wife and onto our first panel. The panel - How to get started in comics; (with Tony Lee, Dan Boultwood, Dez Skinn and Paul Cornell) was light-hearted and easy to watch with discussions about their combined experiences in the business and how much harder it is than most people think.

Next science in science fiction with Peter F Hamilton, Gary Gibson, China Mieville, Stephen Baxter and Kevin J Anderson.  An in-depth conversation about what science fiction is and how we perceive it.  The panel was very interesting, the subject as well as my observation of the authors on it.  I felt that Peter F.H and China didn’t get on at all, one discussing the old the other the new.  There were a few moments where Peter completely verbally disagreed with China, the general argument and banter made things much more interesting to watch.

I then went to the Forbidden Planet stall at the back of the room which Kevin J Anderson had moved to for a signing session.  There was less of a queue, rather a small rabble of people but I was very glad to get to meet him.  He seemed very pleasant and down to earth (lol).  I brought his new novel to get signed, shook his hand and complemented him on his Saga of the Seven Suns series (it has some brilliant characters and immensely intertwining story).  I wholly recommend you check them out.   

We then had a bit of a wonder and checked out the barter town, a small selection of stalls to purchase from - some kooky, some cool but all geek!
One thing I was very interested in getting was a signature from the great Terry Pratchett, so when I found out that he wasn’t signing I was highly disappointed. 

I then realised that the next item on the program was an auction for the Great Ormond St hospital, one of the items up for bid was a signed Terry Pratchett book!
The auction was great fun to watch and they had some great items, which donated a reasonable amount of money.  Shame I didn’t have enough free cash to throw about, the TP book went for about £160 and they also had a replica Cyberman helmet which went for £300!

We then stayed to learn how to survive a zombie apocalypse; this consisted of four stage actors creating rules and scenarios in which they had to act out to find out which of the audience would actually be capable to survive.  This was all done with tongue firmly in cheek but overall very well rehearsed and definitely made me laugh.

A bit more wondering and some food before the final events of the day, we then headed to the main void for the Imaginarium by the Area 51 group.  This was two jam packed hours of dancing girls, fire eaters, jugglers, contortionists, an escapist which was also a comedian (a bit like Russell Brand) called Chris Cross and a guy called Mental Dave.  Oh and did I forget to mention a blooming great big robot? No wait there was two! (I recommend you check out Titan the robot)  
Check out further photos here -

For late night entertainment Pat Sharp (yes Funhouse's Pat Sharp and no he didn’t have the twins with him) was on stage controlling the decks.  Some stayed but I decided to retire to our chalet for some drinks and relation ready for the next day . . .

End Of Day 1.

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